ニューヨークでアジア映画祭、New York Asian Film Festivalが開催。20周年となった今年、アジアで最も活躍した俳優に贈られる「スターアジア賞」に日本人として初めて阿部寛さんが選出されました。授賞式のためニューヨークを訪れた阿部さん、そして映画祭で上映された阿部さん主演の映画「異動辞令は音楽隊!」の内田英治監督にたっぷりお話を伺いました。

Offbeat Cops
Director: Eiji Uchida 2022 Japan 119 minutes Japanese with English subtitles
Hiroshi Abe (recipient of the Screen International Star Asia Award)
The Naked Director helmer Eiji Uchida may be best known for his hard-R films, but he shines brightly with Offbeat Cops, which is both a tender comedic caper and a chronicle of failure and second chances.

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♢ アメリカのグルメ・Gourmet in USA♢

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FCI (Fujisankei Communications International, Inc.) is a NY based Japanese TV company. It is a subsidiary company to Japan’s Fuji TV. We produce reports on food, events, trends, fashion, sports and much more that you can find in NY and LA! We also have special interviews with artists from Japan and around the world. Our new videos can be found at www.fujisankei.com so please visit the website!

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