

 映画は半藤一利さんのノンフィクション「日本でいちばん長い日 決定版」(文春文庫)が原作。太平洋戦争末期の日本を舞台に、降伏か本土決戦かを巡って決断に苦悩する陸軍大臣・阿南惟幾(役所広司さん)や昭和天皇(本木さん)、鈴木貫太郎首相(山崎努さん)、降伏に反対する畑中少佐(松坂桃李さん)らの姿を描く。


Masahiro Motoki, high pressure with Showa Emperor role. “I want to receive feedbacks both positive and negative”. Stage greetings event for completion of movie “Japan’s Longest Day” 1

Actor Masahiro Motoki appeared at the stage greetings event for the completion of the movie “Japan’s Longest Day” (directed by Masato Harada) held in Tokyo on July 15th. “When it comes closer to the premiere date, I am having really stressful days under high pressure, like whether I have completed my role in the movie. I want to receive feedbacks both positive and negative after the premiere. I really want to feel at ease soon.”, confided Motoki, who acted as the Showa Emperor.

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