たどんとちくわ Tadon to Chikuwa [1998]
Director: 市川準 Jun Ichikawa
Hiroyuki Sanada 真田広之 as Asami

This arthouse film is definitely nothing that I expected, and while I definitely have my own ideas of what it’s “really” about, I generally feel that with a film like this, it is important for a viewer to come to their own conclusions about what it means to them… Just go with it. LOL Seriously interesting and beautifully creative. Love this film.


  1. Thank you for your work on this — the music fits the eccentric tone of Mr Sanada 's role ( in my opinion ) He has the most beautiful eyes.

  2. Thank you so much – I have never seen the film so I didn't make that connection. Your work is so great !

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