This time last year I started creating digital art, and I made my very first video. I thought this week I would go back and take a look at some of the wonderful photos that I have acquired over the course of the year. I have been able to find several movie programs from Japan of Mr. Sanada’s early films, and even for Bullet Train, which only came out a few months ago. It is my continuing hope that someone else will see these videos and also feel inspired to create something and put more art out into this world.

If you are a person who reads my silly little comments, please know I am grateful and thank you very much for your time, I know how precious even a few minutes can be. I hope you get as much pleasure from watching these videos as I get from making them!

Thank you 真田広之さん, for his work. I hope for a happy, peaceful, and fulfilling year for Mr. Sanada.


  1. 真田さんが若い頃に着けてたブレスレットはブランド名か解る方いますか?似た様なブレスレットは見かけるけど同じ物が無くて。

  2. Encore merci pour vos vidéos.👌 Quel bonheur de voir des photos de cet artiste et de constater son charme à 20 ans ou à 60 . Mes préfèrés sont les photos à Paris en noir et blanc.
    Bullet train j'avoue je suis allée le voir pour lui. J'attends avec impatience son prochain projet. Il parait qu'un tournage est prévu sur une nouvelle version de SHOGUN mais retardé à cause de la pandémie et le tournage se fera au Canada et non au Japon quel dommage

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