WARNING: This video contains clips of the 2014 Cup of China accident. Between 1:30-1:49

今回のオリンピックで羽生結弦の演技と成果に圧倒されて、この動画を作ろうと思いました。羽生くんニ連覇おめでとう! そして世界中に感動を与えてくれてありがとう(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) 日本の希望であり宝です⭐️

After seeing Hanyu’s incredible performance and achievements in the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics, I was compelled to make this video. I tried the best I could to depict Hanyu’s “manga like” skating life, including both the high points and low points, the hardships and hurdles. He is such an inspiration and a living legend. I hope this video can delight those who have also followed his long journey, and spark an interest in those who have yet to hear his name.


Artist: Dean Fujioka


  1. Hi all, again thank you for viewing this video and leaving such lovely comments. It’s always a pleasure to read them.

    There is just something I wanted to share though. So this video has lately been getting many viewers not only from the figure skating fandom but from the anime fandom too, and there have been A LOT of comments comparing Hanyu Yuzuru to Yuri from ‘Yuri on Ice’, for obvious reasons… haha. So my initial intention was to create a video about Yuzuru Hanyu to show what an incredible skater he is and how hard he has worked to get to where he is today. I picked this song after watching Yuri on Ice because I felt that it perfectly reflected Yuzuru’s skating life. However, there are many people who speculate that the character Yuri was “inspired by” or is literally a “copy and paste” of Yuzuru, which is very fair to assume considering the nature of this video. If you do a bit of research and get to know Yuzuru though, you’d find that Yuri was actually inspired more so by many other fantastic figure skaters and is not really a carbon copy of one person. FYI I think it’s great that this video has attracted fans from both fandoms (anime and figure skating). I love Yuzuru and I’m also an anime otaku so I support both fandoms. I think it is completely fine to talk about them in the same context, but I would like to ask you all to respect Yuzuru as you do so. He is very much a person of his own just as Yuri is a character of his own.

    Lastly, I have left a link in the description box to a blog post I created a while ago on tumblr regarding this topic. If you would like to please feel free to have a read and it may give you a new perspective.

  2. Mark my words, my boy is gonna do a perfect quadruple axel with his wings one day coz he's born to make history 🥺❤️👑

  3. This always made me cry but hits different now. Makes me cry differently. Its like im watching him grow and now he has retired. I just got to see him grow for the last 2 years of his competitive skating career. Even though thats a short amount of time, i mean like there are plenty of you supporting him for years and years, I just feel like I never regretted a single second knowing him and loving him. Whenever I felt like im falling down into an abyss I got back up thinking of him and how he got up each time when he fell too. He taught me so much. He gave me so much courage. He made me actually wait for the winters i once dreaded. I'll forever be thankful. Holy damn thats a bit too much of being sentimental I guess.

  4. 2022 is a real heartbreak year

    🇯🇵Death of Shinzo Abe
    🇯🇵Retirement of Hanyu Yuzuru from competitive figure skating

    Two legendary people with greatest legacies made in this world

  5. Yuzu really make history
    👑2 times Olympic champion
    👑The GOAT(greatest of all time)
    👑First single male skater to complete superslam

  6. Ему нет равных для меня, один такой неповторимый

  7. Настоящий борец ✊за победу 👌👍👏💯💯💯🌟👏👏👏👏🌟🌟ты супер фигурист на века 👌👍👏👏👏🌟🌟🌟🧊🧚‍♀️⛸👑

  8. 願っておられるので、今も世界中ので70億という人々が希望を持って生きているのです。

  9. 羽生くんもユーリ!!! on ICEもhistory makerも好きなのになんで今までこの動画に気づかなかったんだろう🥹🥹神すぎました!

  10. This used to be my favourite video of him, but why is it so hard to watch after his retirement? My heart hurts so much!

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