#亀梨和也 #赤西仁 #AkameSeries

🔜 TOMORROW 17:00 PM Tokyo Time ! ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

❌ 亀梨和也 x 赤西仁 Series : DESTRUCTION IS HIS GAME [Love For Him is Pain] ❌

Stay tuned~ ! 😉

#KamenashiKazuya #AkanishiJin #赤亀 #仁亀 #Akame #JinKame #Akakame #BDSM #Bondage #SM #SecretDesire #Akamefanfiction


(Please note that if you want to see true colors of my videos it’s better you watch it on your mobile or TV devices~! Thank you~)

This video is part of the series of videos “Akame Secret Desire” which is a (somehow Bdsm) themed Story I created as a fanfiction first but I also did this serie of videos following each other to create a story in a specific order. Just look for the playlist “Akame – Secret Desire videos” on my channel to see the other videos in the right order ! 😉

❌ PLAYLIST HERE : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDWd7FlWnKzJRr0KKsSb4RiDpRj-wVpAi

Some videos previously added on the channel are part or the story and are added in the playlist. Also, more Akame videos not related to this story will come too.

This comes with all the other videos I’ve been preparing for months for this month’s new AKAME FEST I’m lunching again ! 😉 Hope you’ll enjoy ! ;D

❌ Follow & use the hashtag : #AKAME23RDFEST to participate ! ;D

Hope you liked this video ! See you soon for more~ ;D

Take care~ xxx


SUBSCRIBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKtWfIfClMNBGrRuwlHA8KA/videos

TWITTER : @LunaAkame https://twitter.com/lunaakame

FACEBOOK KAT-TUN & AKANISHI UPDATE GROUP : https://www.facebook.com/groups/LunaAkameFanvids/

TIKTOK : @LunaAkamePhoenix

INSTAGRAM : @Luna_Akame

WEBSITE (Akame Theory, Lyrics Analysis, Hypothesis and much other stuff) : http://japanluna-akame.shojoblog.com/hypothesis-c30840158


Akame BDSM FIC SECRET DESIRE – STORY PLOT : ask me in the comments and I’ll send you the link to the story, it’s VIP-LOCKED ONLY.

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