
SENSE流 古着の買い方




守谷 聡公式インスタグラム








  1. 壱馬くんの輪郭めちゃくちゃすきなんだが???YouTubeでも海外の方が壱馬くんの顔の輪郭良いって言ってたよ🥹💓💞

  2. 雑誌買いました!表示+20Pもあって私物紹介もありながら、インタビュー動画なんて贅沢すぎます🫠♥️

  3. 壱北コンビ定着してるな~😆二人の考え方真逆やけど、お互い目標に向かって頑張ってる姿を見ると、やっぱカッコ良いなって思う。これからも素敵な歌声聞かせて✨😆👂️

  4. 考え方も正反対な二人、でもどこか似てる部分があるんですよね〜これからも隣で歌ってて欲しいです✨

  5. やばぁ…二人とも今までで一番ビジュ好きかも~北ちゃん甘すぎるより、ちょっとハードな方が好みだわー(´・ω・`)前髪上げてるお陰で綺麗な眉毛拝めた😍

  6. SENCE休刊前にかずほくが守谷さんスタイルを着こなす姿が残る事に感謝です!!!永久保存版になります♡守谷さん×かずほくの対談も見れて更に嬉しかったです!また!SENCEが復活した際には再度かずほくやTHE RAMPAGE全員を守谷さんカラーに仕上げてほしいと切実に願っています!一旦守谷さんお疲れ様でした!!!

  7. ずっと変わらない壱馬さんのブレない考え方がすきです😌日々高めていく姿にずっと惹かれてます😌改めて自分の考えを話す姿を見ると壱馬さんのことを好きでいれることが幸せだなと感じます💕かずほくの男らしいスタイルとってもキマってました👍🏻🤍

  8. 最後に抜擢して頂いて本当にありがとうございます😭


  9. ううううううーーーん、、どちらも良い、、、どちらの考え方も納得出来るな。多分、スリボの中だとこの2人が極端というか、尖ってると言えば尖ってるし、個性的、分かりやすい、強いって言ったらそうなるんだろうな

  10. 2人とも全然違うように見えて、持ってるマインド似てるんだよなぁ(伝われ)😂♡

  11. 二人とも芯があって素敵!休刊を前に取り上げてくれて嬉しいです。

  12. 北人サングラスするとかわいい顔が

  13. また見に来ちゃいました☺️

  14. 北ちゃんいつもふわふわ系のファッションとかだったのに急に男!!って感じまじでギャップ萌え🫶🏻やっぱ壱北は癒し🫶🏻

  15. ほくちゃん、冷静で現実主義なとこすごい。らしくあることも大切ですね。

  16. 見た目の印象と中身の考え方は、2人逆なのねー。

  17. 壱馬くんのこういうインタビュー初めて見たけど、自分の意見を躊躇せずキッパリ言う物言いが、男っぽくてあらためて素敵だなと思いました❤

  18. 別の方向から支え合って目標に向かってる感じがいい✨

  19. かずほく~🐷🐺💞本当にかっこよすぎる!たまに見るこういうオラオラ系も最高~🥹デビュー前からずっと好きでこうやって2人の姿が見れるのは嬉しすぎる!

  20. とことん正反対の2人で面白いし、それがお互いにとって視野が広がることに繋がるし学びも多いんではないかな。困難や自分の弱さと向き合い一歩ずつ進んで乗り越えていこうとする壱馬と、人間だから長所も短所も得意も苦手もあるけどどんな自分も全て受け入れて自分自身をちゃんと愛してあげることが出来る北人。2つの考え方は一見違う様に見えるけど根本は繋がってる部分もあるよね、どっちも必要な考え方だと思う。

  21. かずほくの考え方正反対だったね!

  22. 壱馬✨北人✨RIKU✨5年目になり人気者になっても謙虚で初心を忘れず✨ホントに素敵だなって思います😊✨いつまでも少年の気持ち持ち続けていてください^_^癒されました✨応援してる😊✌️

  23. なんで陸いれてあげないかね〜ランペってボーカル3人だったの?とか言われるんだよね〜とか 僕も呼んでくださいよ〜って陸がスタライかCLでいってるの見て悲しかった… なぜ壱馬と北人。

  24. 壱馬のブレない考え、ほんとに尊敬するところばかり!!北ちゃんと壱馬と真反対の性格の二人だけど、お互いがお互いのことをしっかり理解しているから、二人とも気が合って、何処か似ているところがあるよね!!そんな関係が素晴らしい!

  25. 面白かったです。

  26. 壱北のライダースジャケット姿似合いすぎます。二人にしか気越せないファッションでカッコいいと思います。

  27. RAMPAGEボーカルの青山陸くんなんで出てないのかな可哀想。本人も前のインライで川村くんと吉野くんばっか取り上げてることに怒ってた(?)っぽいし。

  28. 類は友を呼ぶの逆で、正反対の者同士も、人って時にはめちゃくちゃ実は波長があって惹かれあうんだよな

  29. You know I actually translated like, weeks ago, but never posted here .
    pretty sure this is too late, but;

    SENSE Moriya Satoshi x THE RAMPAGE Kawamura Kazuma/Yoshino Hokuto

    M: Thank you everyone for today!
    K/Y: Thank you!
    M: Was the shoot quite a bit different from usual?
    K: Today felt closer to how I naturally am. I think I showed myself as is. It was a more natural visual.
    Y: It was the opposite for me, It was new. Before rather than masculine, it was more clothes from a feminine gaze, hair styles too, but… (today) it was masculine and all black with leather jackets, and I got to wear fashionable items, it was really fun!
    M: How many years have two of you been a vocalist?
    K: It's been 5 years since major debut, and since group formation, 8 years.
    M: how is it now? The level you are right now or rather how it's been after 5 years.
    K: We've achieved our dreams one after another, and we've achieved them but, we want cause things that no one even imagined, and achieve them so there hasn't been a feeling of because it's 5 year anniversary, it's special or memorable. In a good way, I think it's good if we keep going in a grounded way. I think we're still in a good position.
    Y: It's becoming a time where our songs can be heard by many people. Until now, it was just our fans, and we also performed for the fans, but now I can feel that people who don't know us who looks at our songs and performance increased.
    M: What's your origin as vocalists?
    K:It was EXILE. During third year of middle school I borrowed a album from a friend, and I was influenced by it and became an artist.
    Y: I was conscious of the entertainment industry before, but when I really began to think of it was middle school to high school. During middle school, EXILE was really popular, and I heard them because of that and I researched them and went, "there was a group like this!" and I fell into it.
    M: Are you guys rivals? or friends? It's a bit weird to say friends since it's for the job
    K: It's a strange relationship. We're not childhood friends but… we're not friends but… there is a feel of companionship.
    M: Do you guys meet often outside of work?
    Y: Since the pandemic has calmed down, we've drank together about twice
    K: Right
    Y:Like at Kazuma's house.
    M: What about the future that you've imagined? Has it fast? Coming into the place that you're in now? Has it gone the way you're envisioned?
    K: It was slow.
    M: It was slow?
    Y: I think it was slow.
    K: To be honest, there's a part of me that wanted to get there with extreme speed.

    M: What do you think of as masculine?
    K:There is a feeling of what is it from the start. I really don't like "Just be like myself"either. Just by saying "Like myself" I'm limiting what I am. I'm putting a fence around myself. I feel like if you don't take that away, it'll end there. Masculinity, femininity, there's no set definition. I have the mind set of "as a person".
    M: Have you always thought like this?
    K: As the origin, I don't like this part of myself. and I have a lot of insecurities.
    M: Really!?
    K: Now too. Like I don't like this part of me or like I end up saying this. I've overcome it, one by one. I'm envisioning an ideal me and aiming towards that
    M: What do you feel insecure about?
    K: Body type, face shape, body shape when I've gained weight. If there's any friction, that part would be red immediately. It disappears in 10 to 20 minutes but in a concert and I have necklace or other accessories and I'd move right? I really dislike being people being worried over me being red because of the impact of it hitting my skin.
    Y: It might be opposite for me. Like rather, I should be like myself. There's somethings that people shouldn't forget. I want to be like myself so that I don't lose my self. I think people who have their own sense of self is cool.
    M: You don't have any insecurities right?
    Y: Nope, that part is me too, and there's no such thing as a perfect person. I'm thinking of it positively. The things that I've got now are all that I've got, so I'll compete with what I have. I think that leads to confidence.

    M: I've asked what people wanted to ask on twitter
    How do you get back your motivation when you're down?
    K: That's impossible
    M: Whoa, that's cool!
    K: Even if you force yourself to cover up the feeling, that feeling doesn't go away. So just feel and come back when you can.
    Y: I'd think about it for a second. I'd face the feeling. and I would be able to see from a different perspective. Then that would lead to my growth. Like trying to solve things on my own.
    M: What are your hobbies?
    K: Games
    H: Like films. dramas, movies, anime.
    M; Do the two of you have a favorite film?
    K: I like Star Wars
    Y: I like Titanic
    M: What do you usually listen to?
    K: Recently I think it's not good, for me, I'm feeling a sense of crisis. I really don't know of any songs that were produced recently. If there's something that I distinguish, because I always do it, outside of work, I keep away from it. So I don't listen to it voluntarily
    M: Are there any other questions? that would trouble you if asked? like what's your type?
    K: It would be troubling if you asked me my type. Like if I ended up liking them, then it's that person. But if I say that I'd get told that that's not fun. And it's like, then don't ask.
    M: Thank you
    K/Y: Thank you

  30. どっちかが異性だったら付き合っているだろう2人☺️💓

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