
安定した活躍でジャニーズ初の決勝進出を果たした【Snow Man阿部亮平】くんについて、






  1. 阿部ちゃんは本当にいい人ですよね〜!!
    私はSnow Manの中で阿部ちゃん推しなので、きくりんさんから見た阿部ちゃんの凄さを聞けてとても嬉しいです🥰

  2. きくりんさん、いつも阿部ちゃんの話をありがとうございます❗

  3. 阿部亮平くんのファンです。いつも阿部くんのお話をして頂きありがとうございます。きくりんさんのこともクイズ番組などでいつも拝見しております。ファン仲間の友人にも動画をシェアしますね!☺️ これからも頑張って下さい!

  4. 阿部ちゃんのお話と、岩永さんと阿部ちゃんのお話‥ありがとうございます。阿部ちゃんの人柄の良さ‥伝わりました。阿部ちゃん大好きなので嬉しかったです!クイズって学歴があるからできるってものでもないのかなって思ってます。偏りない知識を持つって凄い事ですよね、阿部ちゃんのその惜しまない努力の姿勢が尊敬以外の何者でもありません。次回もっと詳しくお願いします!!

  5. 岩永徹也さんの大ファンですが、カップルとかカップリングとか言われるの嫌悪感あります……

  6. きくりんさん、お疲れ様です。阿部亮平さんファンです。阿部さんのお話を聞けて本当に嬉しいです!また阿部さんのお話を聞きたいです。アップ楽しみにしています。

  7. Thanks for your genuine comments about Abechan. I’m not very good at Japanese but still catch some good impressions about him. He is really gentle and kind to everyone🥺

  8. 仮面ライダーも好きで、SnowManの阿部亮平さんのファンでもあるので、岩永さんと阿部さんの共演いつも微笑ましいなぁとテレビをみて思います。阿部さんの男らしいところ、きくりんさんも話していらっしゃいましたがすごく共感します!次回も動画楽しみにしております✨

  9. 阿部ちゃんエピソードありがとうございます

  10. メンバーの目黒さん曰く、スノーマンに入る前から優しい人。入ってからも優しい人。なんだそうですよ。阿部ちゃん同様スノーマン全員本当に人間として尊敬に値する人達だと思ってます(^-^)

  11. きくりんさんの再生回数に協力させていただきます😅

  12. 阿部ちゃん素敵ですねぇ💚いろいろ聞けて嬉しかったです!後編も楽しみです♪

  13. ながあべー!!😭

  14. なかなか知ることのできないクイズ会での素の阿部ちゃんのお話が聞けて面白かった😄

  15. 阿部ちゃんのことを好きなfanとして、すんごい嬉しい気持ちになりました。阿部ちゃん好きでよかったしこれからも大好きだって再認識しました。

  16. きくりんさん、あべちゃんの凄さを色々語って頂いてありがとうございます❣️

  17. 初めまして、先月から突如として阿部亮平くんの虜になった者です。以前からクイズ番組は好きで観てましたが、ちょうど阿部ちゃんが出始めた頃に頭のいい子が出てきたなぁと思っては居ましたが詳しくは知りませんでした。けど偶々TikTokでお天気お兄さんしてる姿を観てから自然と興味を持ち歌って踊ってアイドルしてる阿部ちゃんが居て衝撃を受けました!表情豊かなんです!カメラに気を抜いてないし求めてるものが何かを知ってるんです!それこそ未だに後輩くんとのやり取りも温かいんですよね。礼儀正しいし。

  18. きくりんさんのお話を聞いてますます阿部さんのことが好きになりました!素敵な裏話ありがとうございました!!

  19. アベちゃん大好きです!ついったすく
    アベちゃんのお話聞きたいから、チャンネル登録しましたよ 笑

  20. 阿部ちゃんが誰にも態度変わらないのは心から優しい人だからだと思う!💚

  21. 阿部ちゃんのお話ありがとうございました。

  22. 阿部ちゃんの人柄を褒めて頂きありがとうございます。

  23. きくりんさん、阿部くんのお話ありがとうございます。

  24. 阿部くんのお話、嬉しかったです。ありがとうございます!後編も見てきます!!

  25. メジャーデビュー前からクイズ番組出ているのを拝見していました。ネットでジャニーズだから出させて貰ってるなんて誹謗中傷されているのを見て、ジャニーズファンではない私から見てもそんな風に見えない頑張ってるなって思うのにひどい事書く人いるもんだと悲しかったです。

  26. Kikurin-san talks about Snow Man's Abe Ryohei-kun and the type of person Abe-kun is, so I have translated it into English with the help of a couple of friends. 🙇‍♀️

    There may be errors so thank you for your understanding. 🙇‍♀️

    きくりんさんがSnow Man 阿部亮平くんはどんな人とっと色々語ってくださって、英訳せさていただきました🙇‍♀️ 友人も色々手伝ってくれました。


    "Talk about quiz companions! Snow Man Abe Ryohei-kun being amazing and frightful/scary!!” (First half)

    0:00 Hello, I am an entertainer who loves quizzes, Kikurin.
    So, I love quizzes you see. Occasionally I am allowed to appear on quiz shows and such, and to train for those quizzes, I belong to various groups and I assemble/gather with various quiz groups and make appearances in various places. Amongst those, there is Kaz Laser-san's (group), isn’t there. You're likely already familiar with him, the Quiz King of the entertainment world, and the so-called Quiz Group he is hosting. Especially before COVID, it was quite frequent, he would host for us once a week and such, and so I made an appearance and there, among the various members that I met, today's title, Snow Man's Abe Ryohei-kun. Though I have met him many times before. As such, for today, well, let's get to the title.

    0:47 Today I am showing, "Talk about quiz companions! Snow Man Abe Ryohei being amazing and frightful/scary!!” Yes that is the theme I’d like to talk about today.

    I know you may be thinking that I'm expecting many Johnny's fans to watch the video and increase the views. Certainly in the past, during a TV recording with Hey! Say! JUMP-san, though I only met them twice, I took about a 20 minute video about the impressions that the members left on me, that I felt at the time, and that was reckless. Compared to that, I have met Abe-kun about 50 times, and it might be more than that, at TV recordings and on the internet, frequently doing quiz matches, so as such, I should be allowed to talk about Abe-kun right? And if you want to hear it then it's a win-win relationship isn't it. There is no problem then. I will now only talk about things in the scope of not causing Abe-kun trouble.

    1:42 Alright, so, Quiz Group, I think that I met him around the second half of 2018 or the start of 2019 at the Quiz Group that Kaz Laser-san hosted/organised/sponsored. Since then, I’ve been feeling that, that person called Abe Ryohei-kun, how amazing he is, well I think that fans are feeling that too, but on the reverse/underside, I also am feeling fear/terror. Yes, I’d like to talk about this.

    2:09 At the time I met him, honestly, I truly did not know about Abe Ryohei-kun or Snow Man-san. Well, for the time being though it was before major debut, they were active, right? Of course fans knew them really well, and I think that at the time they had plenty of fans, but I didn't know about them. He had kind of a delicate frame, at the time kind of delicate/slender, well if I think about it now he's quite tall for his height though, right? He's got 178cm but at the time I didn't think he was that all since he's 178 cm but thin and he appears a bit androgynous, feminine as well. I was thinking, Ah, sort of a petite, kind of modest kid has come it seems, since I didn't know him, right. Thinking of why I misunderstood him for being of delicate frame & petite, he was always with, MENSA member, appearing in Kamen Rider and such, Iwanaga Tetsuya-san, always with Iwanaga Tetsuya-san, like a couple at the same place, seats and such. With Iwanaga-san at 186 (cm), Abe-kun at 178 (cm) looks small right? For instance, Bakusho Mondai-san and such, ah Bakusho Mondai-san is actually small though, so Tunnels-san, Kinashi-san is actually 178 (cm) so though he's tall, a phenomenon occurs with Ishibashi-san around and (Kinashi-san) seeming to look smaller. I noticed afterward that Abe-kun is 178 cm. He's taller than me at 175 (cm). I was surprised afterward. Before, well when I met him quite some time ago, to test/try it a bit, when I went near him, "Ah! He's taller than I am!" that was the first time that I noticed it.

    3:36 That doesn't matter but, when I met Abe-kun, ah, the coupling with Iwanaga-san is good isn't it. With the height difference, since Iwanaga-san is taller, Iwanaga-san would be the male role and Abe-kun would have female role, that kind of feeling, or so you would think. But internally, the taller Iwanaga-san has a feeling of being girly/girlish, he's kind of a cute person, Iwanaga-san. Then, if anything, Abe-kun who has the delicate/slender androgynous feel, has a masculine mindset. That’s good isn't it, that coupling.

    3:59 So, what am I talking about. Right! Abe-kun and being amazing as well as frightful. Well, to make fans happy, well if I'm talking about this, as for his public/general image, well, you have the impression that he's incredibly well-mannered/courteous, modest and serious. But on the inside/reverse, I know there is no lie (of Abe-kun being a well-mannered person), but on top of that I feel that, there is one theme that is an substantial part (of him), "a man who is not complacent/does not let his guard down." That is what I think is amazing about Abe Ryohei-kun, and I think this makes him frightful/scary. Speaking of an episode of where Abe-kun does not get complacent, first, depending on his situation/state, he completely does not change. When I first met him to now, Abe-kun's past state is completely different right. He's made his major debut, consecutive million sellers, and he's been on Kohaku, so saying all that, you must have changed quite how you see Abe-kun. The way I see him has changed right, from when I first met him I didn't know of him, ah, there's a Jr who's said he's going to do his best from now on. At the time I think though he was about 24-25 years old, as he said himself he's a Jr, honestly I would have thought, he's much younger (than that), but actually he's had quite a hard time right? Took him 15 years until debut, and I knew that after but at the time I didn't know that, and I was on TV just a little bit more than him so, (I told him) "Ah, I see. Johnny's too have various hardships. That kind of a person is there too, right. Well, though various things may happen, if you do your best, I wonder if good things will come." I may have given him advice looking down upon him. It's embarrassing isn't it, if I think of that now. Yes.

  27. (continued)
    5:31 So that Abe-kun, the impression that I had at the time when I met him around 2018 or 2019, he got his break after, right, once it became COVID time, though the chances to meet him decreased dramatically, well even just a bit of a chance, well, after he got his big break I’ve met him though right, 2 or 3 times, but after all he hasn’t changed. Yeah, he hasn’t changed at all. In general, people should end up changing a bit, right? Once he became like a national idol and such, he likely would change but, well, he didn’t change. In Kaz Laser-san’s group his behaviour/conduct, position, where he sat and such, for example when we went for drinks/a get-together, for seniors’ drinks, he would be mindful of how much was decreasing in the glass and such.

    6:19 Then the thing that I think is the most amazing/incredible is, Abe-kun’s amazing point, speaking of Quiz Group though, right, when we got together, mainly before COVID though, he would come to the after-party when we got together. There, Abe-kun should be busy but, well in reality as an idol he would have to practice choreography and such, and though his schedule is also busy/difficult, he would come quite often and participate in the after-party for us, in the past. At that time, we would all talk a lot, centred around Kaz Laser-san, while being treated (to food & drink) by Kaz Laser. Though I was completely his senior, I was fully treated by Kaz-san. Then, it would become time to disband (the party) right? So when it became the time of “It’s time to disband”, we did not have a last train (trains typically run until about 1am in the morning in Tokyo, depending on which train line/company runs it). There were times when that happened, so at that time, first and foremost, we would all leave the shop (restaurant), and have idle talk. Abe-kun would be gone. As I thought, “Hmm? Abe-kun is gone”, Abe-kun would quietly, without anyone noticing first and foremost, he would quietly go to a place where it would be easy to stop a taxi, he would first and foremost go and stop a taxi for senior Kaz Laser-san to go home. (Kikurin-san gestures multiple times as to how Abe-kun would go to stop a taxi) Originally we should be the ones move, to the taxi, since we were treated by Kaz-san, so to stop a taxi for Kaz Lazer-san, we’d go “Excuse me” and that role would be something I should be doing but, every time Abe-kun would generally speaking, take the initiative and when I realised it, he would go to where it was easy to stop a taxi, and stopped one. So, around the first time we met that’s understandable right, as he’d be, the youngest among the group, in terms of that position, it may be said that juniors take the initiative in the role of stopping a taxi, after all, it’s ingrained in the hierarchical society of Johnny’s. In the midst of the absent-minded/not paying attention comedian juniors not doing this from the beginning, Abe-kun would quietly go and stop it for us but, after that, after making his major debut, huge hits, coming to a position where it'd be fine to call him a nationwide idol, even after, under the circumstances (when he became that popular) when we’d get together and then head home, as I thought, “Hmm? Abe-kun isn’t here again”, already the national star would, unchanged from before, he would take the role of stopping a taxi, taking initiative, without anyone telling him. Isn’t that amazing?

    8:24 I assume that he thinks this is his role – it doesn’t matter how popular he became/how much he sells, if he makes mega hits, or if he’s a national idol. Well, the star is stopping a taxi for Kaz Laser-san, in place of us who were not considerate, I thought, “That’s amazing”, and “Ah, I wonder if this is ingrained in him”. And even now, in that group the position he has has not changed, and that he thinks that’s his role, I thought, “He is not complacent/does not let his guard down.” And this “not letting his guard down/not being complacent” is the meaning/sense of why Abe-kun does not change.

    8:56 Then separately from that what I think is amazing is, that Abe-kun himself does not change, and when Abe-kun interacts with anyone that also does not change. Don’t you think that’s amazing? With Kaz Laser-san and such, in Quiz Group, and also Enari Kazuki-san, right? The famous Enari Kazuki-san in “Wataru Seken ha Oni Bakari” is also here, well of course there is among those kinds of famous amazing people, sometimes Tatsumi Takuro-san and such will come, a great veteran. For these kinds of people, of course you should interact with them incredibly politely, such as interacting with Kaz Laser-san. Then Kikurin, and others too, for instance Schumacher Nakamura-san, Akamon’s Yamagumi Oben-san and such, everyone are entertainers that the whole country is familiar with, well, those (people) in the know, know (Kikurin-san is saying that, only if you are familiar with entertainment and in particular, Japanese comedians, then you may know those comedians). His attitude/conduct toward the people he knows and the entertainers he knows, and his attitude/conduct toward famous people, Enari-san and Kaz Laser-san and such, is completely does not change. That is, he’s a nice guy/good person, though you can also call him a fine young man, but apart from that, I’m thinking that after all he’s not complacent. If, perhaps this side-parted hair with glasses (Kikurin-san is referring to himself as he circled around his own face) also gets a break later on. Schumacher Nakamura-san and such might also get a break later on. You could say, for anyone, he does not look down upon/underestimate them (literal translation is closer to "you should not look down upon anyone"). It might be that this was cultivated in those kind of early years at the bottom. His own position has changed but his attitude/conduct has not changed, (toward people or) toward anyone. There is no lie. When I met him a while back, he said, “Ah, previously when I was allowed to consult/discuss with Kikurin-san about the Space Astronomy Test, I passed” and then politely said, “Thank you very much (demonstrating that Abe-kun would bow)”, with a feeling of being incredibly polite. He doesn’t change. He stays alert/does not let his guard down.

    10:28 Yes, ah, I’ve already talked quite a lot. There’s more, there’s still more, how amazing he is as a quiz player. I have quite a lot, so next time I will talk about it. My apologies, please let me make this a 2 part edit. Yes, well then, I think that I would like to talk again next time about Abe Ryohei-kun being amazing and frightful, so if you’d like please subscribe to my channel. That’s all, Kikurin, captivated by Abe Ryohei-kun and Iwanaga Tetsuya-kun’s coupling.

  28. 第三者(ファンやメンバー、ジャニーズ事務所所属の方じゃない方)が褒めるということは、本当に人柄の良くて優しい方なんだと改めて思いました☺️

  29. 貴重なお話ありがとうございます!

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