
シリーズ累計動員556万人を誇る人気バトルアクション映画シリーズ『HiGH&LOW』の最新作『HiGH&LOW THE WORST X(クロス)』が9月9日、公開となる。前作同様、『HiGH&LOW』と高橋ヒロシ(高は”はしごだか”)原作の漫画『クローズ』『WORST』とのクロスオーバーとなる本作では、SWORD地区最凶の不良高校・鬼邪高校をはじめ、数々の不良たちが頂点を目指して激しいバトルを繰り広げる。本作に出演する花岡楓士雄役の川村壱馬、高城司役の吉野北人、轟洋介役の前田公輝、小田島有剣役の塩野瑛久が仲良しトークを展開した。

#therampage #川村壱馬 #吉野北人 #塩野瑛久 #前田公輝 #HiGH&LOW


  1. 壱馬くんと瑛くんが相思相愛過ぎて、感情が大渋滞してました🥺🖤

  2. 入れ替わって合コンに行こうとしてる北ちゃん面白すぎるww

  3. 映画楽しみすぎます‼️はやく見たいです…!

  4. 悠太くんがその場にいなくても悠太くんのことを話してくださるなんて😭

  5. ~ English Translation ~

    1:20 Question 1: If you were to switch places with someone, who would it be?

    Gouki — > Hokuto / Hokuto — > Gouki / Kazuma — > Akihisa / Akihisa — > Kazuma
    1:241:44 Gouki joked by saying there was mutual love between them since the matches were perfect and how they succeeded in creating couples (xD). Akihisa suggested changing places and experiencing each other’s work place for one day.
    1:45 Gouki: I chose Hoku-chan, because inside himself is something that I could never imagine for me. The softness he has and the characteristic atmosphere he creates, those are things I can’t see inside myself at all. That’s why I chose Hoku-chan. Also, earlier when we were taking the pictures, I thought he was cute. I pointed at him because he was cute.

    2:37 Hokuto: My reason (for choosing Gouki) is kind of similar. Gouki-kun has traits that I don’t have, he is unexpectedly really good at talking and he lights up the mood of the room. I can’t do these at all, if it were something like a joint party (they are teasing him here asking if he really is alright with just a joint party, Gouki added that he feels thrilled/fluttered and gestured him to go on), he’d be the most interesting person and the one to bring the tension up, I feel like he’d be one of the popular people.

    3:18 Gouki: Let’s go to a bar together after this (everyone laughing). I am really happy, thank you.

    3:30 Kazuma: I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who reflects the word “Beauty” as much as Akihisa, that’s the first reason. His external appearance is one thing of course, but taking into consideration his heart too I start thinking if it’s possible for a person to be so beautiful/pure. Personally, I am the type who is pretty calm/composed and Aki-kun is too. But when we are together, I can’t feel this, the atmosphere isn’t stressful. He is even more composed than I am, it makes me wonder where that maturity comes from.

    4:27 Akihisa: Lately though, I am doing more and more as I like. I am trying to bring back my innocence/naive part.

    4:40 Akihisa: For me, I admire Kazuma as a man and when for example he stands in the middle of the stage as an artist I’ve been thinking that it must feel good. The mysterious feeling he gives off and this calm side of him become into a performance, I find this amazing. You can’t of course pass this feeling without doing anything, and I think he has a lot of potential in him. And I understand that he is not achieving all this without giving it any thought at all, so including that part of his I respect him.

    5:44 Question 2: What are the highlights/the parts to look forward to in this movie?

    5:49 Kazuma: The atmosphere in Oya High School. This time, right from the start everyone is on good terms with each other and have strong bonds. I would like you all to look out for that emotion and passion that comes to life thanks to those strong relationships.

    6:07 Hokuto: Thinking of HiGH&LOW, actions comes to mind first. This time, I think the actions scenes make up more than half of the movie! It’s filled with them more than half. The action scenes that will make you feel nervous and excited are the highlight.

    6:26 Gouki: With time having passed at Oya High School, everyone has taken on their individual roles creating an atmosphere where their chemistry shows. Similarly to the previous works, Housen joins forces (with Oya High School) and they form a team carrying similar aspirations. This time we see other schools appearing too and I feel like their “colours” (their traits basically) are divided pretty clearly. I think it’s a good chance to start looking for your favourite character/team again!

    6:58 Akihisa: Among the 4 of us I am the only one who is coming from Housen and not Oya High School, I’d like you to see how Housen will be involved in the story with Sachio absent. Even without Sachio, I’d be happy if you’d look out for the resolutions and the soul Housen has inherited.

    7:22 Question 3: Was there a change in the relationship between Fujio and Tsukasa?

    7:27 Kazuma: Compared to the previous works I felt like there were more easy scenes and parts in terms of acting, it came out very natural at some times.

    7:35 Akihisa: Last time, after the movie you also had the shooting of a drama right? In the drama you also had a one-on-one fight, I believe the relationship you two had there had a great impact.

    7:49 Hokuto: There was that feeling of distance between them having crossed fists once, but they have managed to create a strange relationship where they understood each other without words.

    8:01 Kazuma: Aside that we are also together in THE RAMPAGE working as a group, and even in the group as positions as quite similar to the ones we have in Oya High School. During that time we were able to talk a lot, and so even after we entered the movie (as characters) we naturally maintained that good relationship without having to talk much.

    8:40 Gouki: Fujio definitely looks like he wouldn’t dance! Like a concert.. (imitating Kazuma’s and Hokuto’s poses and moves). And Tsukasa would never do anything like dancing! So are you two really able to act so different characters without any switch at all? Do you just say like “Start” and get right away to it? (Kazuma agreed) Tell me about that switch later!

    9:13 Hokuto: We’d actually like to ask you instead

    9:19 Gouki: Like even if you think of Yuta there are some expressions that might be similar to performing on stage, but he showed such amazing acting that it’s difficult to believe it’s his first time. I felt that from you two as well. And I guess we grow and develop along with the roles we have, so that’s why it becomes easier to get into them. I ended up talking all the time though even though I intended to ask the question to you.

    9:47 Kazuma: Even though our roles confront each other, we normally interact together openly, talking even when there is no camera and strengthening our relationship like that.

    10:04 Akihisa: Seeing the poster you know right away that Fujio and Suzaki clash with each other, and so me and Gouki-kun were watching from the side that fight of “soul vs soul” (their spirits, their will and passion) and were discussing that it was amazing.

    10:21 Gouki: I am not sure from what position exactly we should be saying it but objectively we both ended up thinking “Wow that was awesome”.

    Notes: I am still learning and the translation is not always literal so there might be mistakes or parts I didn’t understand well. Feel free to correct me if you notice anything! I hope this helps everyone who wants to enjoy the video!

  6. この4人ってほんとにプライベートでも仲良いしやる時はやるから凄いなってまじで思う。今回のハイローはもう絶対見た方がいい!!!!!めっちゃ感動しました(;_;)

  7. 未だに塩野くんが小田島有剣だって事が結びつかない、、、多分一生理解できない、、、、脳内パニック起こしてる、、、、


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