This 1996 Drama by NHK is one that I have been watching for a while, and enjoying very much, as I find Japanese history fascinating. It takes me a long time, since my Japanese is very weak. Luckily the acting is so good that it makes up for a lot of my own struggle with the language. Also, the story is very engaging and all of the actors are very talented.

Thank you so much to everyone involved with the production for their hard work and dedication. It is very exciting to me to recognize actors from other NHK dramas I have watched (Namely, Taiheki). Thank you also to Mr. Sanada for the continuing inspiration.

The song is Everlasting Harmony – performed by Mr. Sanada.


  1. 真田さん、大河ドラマで石田三成役で出てたのですね。

  2. 主人公の秀吉役が竹中直人さんですが、石田三成役が真田さんなのを知らず、見ていませんでした。

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