
 俳優の竹野内豊さんが8月20日、東京都内で行われた主演映画「at Home アットホーム」(蝶野博監督)のトークイベントにお笑いコンビ「ウーマンラッシュアワー」の村本大輔さんと登場した。猟奇的な男性役で俳優デビューの村本さんについて、「初めてだと思えない。ちょっと不気味で何考えているかわからない感じ」と絶賛し、「こないだストーカーをやられていると言っていたので……」と語ると、その発言を聞いた村本さんは「ストーカーをされていたんです」と先日のストーカー事件について、つっこみながら訂正した。




Yutaka Takenouchi surprisingly appeared! Make fun of Muramoto of “Woman rush hour”. Mistake about “Stalked”. Event of movie “at Home” 2

Actor Yutaka Takenouchi appeared alongside Daisuke Muramoto of the comedy duo “Woman rush hour” at a talk show event of the movie “at Home” (directed by Hiroshi Chono) in which he plays the main character, held in Tokyo on August 20th. Giving comment on Muramoto, who is debuted as an actor with the role of a bizarre man, Takenouchi praised his performance: “It is unbelievable that this is the first time he has acted in a movie. I have a little eerie feeling and do not know what he is thinking about”. After hearing Takenouchi said: “Since he talked that he had been stalked recently, so…”, Muramoto started to talk about the stalk on the previous day passionately and corrected the information at the same time.


  1. I couldn't stop laughing out loud when TAKEUCHI-san was thinking the other actor-comedian was a stalker where he was actually the victim… stalked by someone! His stalker sounded really creepy…. =_=. It was also funny the other guy told him that he should be thankful being stalked, so his scary experience helped his acting… being a weird, creepy character!! Lol!

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