■REDEMPTION – FF7 Ver. with English subtitles

song by GACKT as GENESIS
footage: Dirge of Cerberus
Video and English translation by ZION and SHIN

i hope you like it =)


  1. What I reallllllly want to know is what happened to Genesis after that cliffhanger ending!!!!!

  2. Never know how cool the riff is to this song until I got a guitar and went down on memory lane finding my playlist I used to play on the bus rides back in 2013 and this song was on it and i searched up the tab sheet for e guitar XD

  3. I can still remember the times when Gackt was at Malice Mizer. I used to listen to that all the time in college how the time flies.

  4. Valentine: ..what is this ..where am i?
    The Maze: ..the Avenger
    Valentine: ..who said that?
    The Maze: i am the Voice ..of the Lost Souls
    Valentine: ..
    The Maze: ..those who were ripped from this world, too soon
    Valentine: the dead..
    The Maze: not the undead, nor the fallen..
    Valentine: ..and not the Damned
    The Maze: ..did you think it was coincidental you had the power of Life
    Valentine: ..
    The Maze: and that of slaying the Fallen, before they captured the Assassins Order..
    Valentine: .. ..
    The Maze: to become.. to Ascend, as Sovereign ..Avenger?
    Valentine: judging the Damned, the Fallen.. the Living
    The Maze: ..and the Dead
    Valentine: ..to restore the peace they had lost, when their lives were stolen
    The Maze: by those who stole that life.. and kept it a secret.
    Valentine: those who keep their Hunter secret.. will die with it.
    The Maze: like the Hunters who framed your daughter.. to trick her with Guilt for their murders
    Valentine: ..i Avenged her Honor ..and proved her İnnocence
    The Maze: we wouldn't ask this of you.. unless it was something we could not do, ourselves..
    Valentine: you want to sacrifice the souls of the Hunters.. to the Labyrinth, to regain your lives?
    The Maze: will you do this, for us?
    Valentine: ..i see no reason why not, if not me then
    The Maze: ..who else?
    Valentine: İndeed.

  5. I love it ! , I saw this exact video for the first time 11 years ago , I found it again ! Now that I speak english can finally understand the lyrics.

  6. I know Dirge gets flack from people but honestly once you get the controls worked out and lvl some the game was great i really liked the stuff you could unlock in game.

  7. Любимая часть финальной фантазии)Винсент лучший )

  8. なんか最近のゲームより面白さもかっこよさも上に感じるのは俺だけ?w

  9. ヴィンセントが好きで買ってプレイしてエンディングでこの曲が流れたとき

  10. GACKT A.K.A "Genesis" Is ALSO The Singer Of The Opening Of Kamen Rider Decade…. Uh…??? ONORE DIKKEIDO???!!!

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