I chose to upload this video clip of Ya-Ya-yah, because I think it fits well with what I want to say. Shoon is and will always be my favorite idol, just like that cute girl stated in this clip. Shoon was absent when they recorded this. Shoon has left Johnny’s Entertainment for good now.

I really admire Shoon as a human being for giving it his all for so long, and I’m sure he always will, whatever path he takes now. He is a kind, funny and caring person.
I still wish that Shoon was in JE though. That’s me being a selfish fan. However, after a few months or years roll by, I might be able to accept the fact that he has some other things that he wish to focus more on. He probably doesn’t want his fans to be sad about this, but rather wants his fans to support his decisions . I wish him the best for the future, and he deserves anything good that awaits him.
As long as Shoon never loses his smile and finds happiness, I’ll be happy too. I’ll keep my head up, and I will always support whatever he decides to do with his own life.


  1. っていうかなんで慶ちゃんジャニーズなのにジャニーズ扱い(?)されてないの?

  2. Ya-Ya-Yahの中だったら薮くん、翔央……………………

  3. この子ちょっと、失礼すぎる…。ちっちゃいからしょうがないかもしれんけど。多分、この子も後悔してるよ。「なんでこんなこと堂々と言えたんやろ?」って

  4. なんか女の子,調子に乗っちゃってない?www.うるさいし,失礼…みんな内心キレてたかもねwww.結局,選ばれた薮も太陽も巻き込まれて傷ついたねwww.小山ジャニーズって思われてなかったの?可哀想…女の子も今頃後悔してるんじゃない?せっかく家に来てくれたのに…

  5. この頃からくしゃってなる薮ちゃんの笑顔が好き💕メッチャ可愛い

  6. 年下の子 相手にキレてるやついてくっさ 今やもう年上だろうけど

  7. これ、お母さん必死にフォローして


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