they’re finally back


  1. lol i i no so randpom and reaslly late but i was reading the scandel and i was wondering how uchi was underage drinking if he was like 19 years old when he didn't isn't the legal age like 18 in japan and i just realized kusano got kicked out like 2 weekirght befor ehe turned 18

  2. it is kinda different in Japan!
    the legal age in japan is 20 years old and so even though Uchi drank alcohol at the age of 19, he is still considered an underage.

  3. i know that uchi's been active in dramas and now he's guesting in shounen club too but what was kusano doing these past few years?? i can't wait til they debut again!!! XD

  4. Grrr, i hate the stupid crew members that stupidly took underage boys to go out drinking, such idiots! Poor Kusano had to pay for what they did! 🙁

  5. @look2thestars4ever You never know Uchi might comeback to NewS. Uchi,Tegoshi and Kame is gonna be in a drama together coming out i 2010.

  6. This maybe sound stubid.. but I really hope that Uchi and Kusano doesn't come back at NEWS… I really love NEWS but somehow . . .I like NEWS more when there is six members only.. Uchi and Kusano are good too but.. still.. NEWS is always 6 members group.. to me..
    It's okey if Uchi and Kusano do some solo but please not join them back NEWS

    don't get angry at me.. This is only my opinion.. and sorry if my english is not perfect..

  7. really….that sucks…no wonder i only hear about Uchi and no Kusano……

  8. hey does anyone know what happened to Kusano….i only hear of Uchi….

  9. I want kusano back with NEWS!!! it's just that lots of people already get used to NEWS with 6 members, but kusano had lots of fans who likes him & miss him a lot!! We wish kusano will be back in NEWS. so don't say that NEWS is better with 6 members only. lots of people thumb the comment up that it upset me..T__T

  10. @syahila And now it's even 4 members… Although I like these 4 members most I'm so unbelievably disappointed… I hope they will do well as a 4 member group! I'll be supporting them!

  11. 去年のカウントダウンで

  12. Kusanoooo, but I'm happy he's singing again, you should look for his band Porehead, they´re really cool!! And Kusano looks handsome with long hair :3

  13. そら、内くんも少しは悪いんかもしれんけどさ、菊間アナでしたっけ?許せないな。

  14. 辛房がキー局で仕事してると吐き気する。お前はすまたんで阪神応援してろ

  15. なんで草野くんは飲酒したと決まった訳でもない、飲酒疑惑だったのにこんなことになったの。草野くんは脱退するべきじゃなかった😭理由が分からぬままなのに。だって、報道された写真はカラオケのカメラじゃなくて草野くんが真正面にうつってる誰かが仕掛けただろうカメラの一部だったんだよ。そんなのさ、ハメられたほかなにか考えられるのかな。中には、新聞記者さんがその動画を見て飲酒してたから報道した。だから草野くんは飲酒したって思う人もいますよね。私も思います。でも、新聞記者さんは本当に飲酒しているのを見たのでしょうか。もしかしたら、飲酒していなかったけど、ネタで報道したとかありえると思いませんか。当時ファンらしき2人の女性に誘われって言ってたけど、ファンなのになんでそんなことしたのかな。本当に悲しい😭草野くんのダンスも歌も笑顔もずっとずっと見ていたかった。NEWS、草野博紀でいてほしかったよ。

  16. がんばっていきましょいでは自然すぎる編集で代役になったのびっくりした あれ自然すぎるだろ

  17. 草野 2008年に事務所辞めたから。2001年に入所して2008年に退所したから7年間のジャニーズ人生か。

  18. 8人時代の潤滑油だった2人が抜けたのは大きかった。

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