Heavy rain version with Kato~


  1. For the Imperial Presence show Each show had a different cast from each season so like one show they would use this fuji and then for another show they would Aiba-chi for one show and did the same for atobe

  2. yun's voice resembled fuji's more, but aiba-chi will always hold a special place because unlike the other fuji's, he rele brought forth the trickster fuji that isnt shown quite often in the musicals

  3. I love Yuuta's voice more and some reasons those I choose him for my Fuji[Fuji is my fav member ] his face,voice,Gentle and beautiful moving like a swan especially to his eyes…not compare for closed-eyes but Fuji's face seem like Buddha Lord expression …his eyes are closed[and open…in sometime I know] but not meaning he can't see…but just he looks down in the place of Genius

  4. Sorry to all fans who love Aiba (even though I do too),
    Yun's voice is just really amazing here!
    Love his version of Heavy Rain 😀

  5. God,  I really want to see Yuuta and Aiba working together; their versions are so epic that I can't decide which is better. (I don't have this problem with Atobe, fortunately-sorry Inoue-san, Kato's my favourite^^)

  6. hey guys who love this version… i think you guys should check the 2nd version of this song, especially in dream live 2014 version.. it's soo amazing too.. really…

  7. 相葉っちよりもゆんの方がこの歌は好きです

  8. 自分用です。

    恵みの雨か 試練の雨か

    吉と出るのか 凶になるのか

    はやる心に 水を差す雨
    濡れて滲むよ 明日(あす)への指針
    不安募らす 雨音ノイズ

    自分信じて チーム信じて
    今はただ 過ぎ去るのを待とう
    ヘビーレイン ヘビーレイン

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