本作は、「人に触れられない」主人公と「人の目を見られない」ヒロイン、ともに対人関係に大きな悩みを抱えた男女がチョコレートをきっかけに偶然の出会いを果たすことからはじまるロマンティックコメディ。原作は、フランス映画「Les Émotifs anonymes(邦題:匿名レンアイ相談所)」。日本では劇場未公開だが、2011年のフランス映画祭で観客賞を受賞するなど、ロマンスとユーモアを織り交ぜた物語に魅了された映画ファンから高い支持を獲得。そんな知る人ぞ知る良作を、Netflixシリーズ作品として再構成する。






音楽: Goldgate
ミュージシャン: EnjoyMusic

Shun Oguri Han Hyo Joo Yuri Nakamura / Hitoshi Akanishi Asia’s best cast and staff gather! Netflix new series production confirmed & cast announced

Netflix, one of the world’s largest online entertainment services, has decided to produce a new romance series from Japan, featuring Asia’s best cast and staff.
This work is a romantic comedy that begins with a chance encounter between a man and a woman who have major interpersonal relationship problems, the protagonist who “can’t touch people” and the heroine who “can’t look people in the eye”, both of whom have a chance encounter over chocolate. The original story is the French film “Les Émotifs anonymes”. Although the film has not yet been released in theaters in Japan, it has won the Audience Award at the 2011 French Film Festival, and has gained a lot of support from movie fans who are captivated by the story’s mix of romance and humor. This good work, which is only known to those in the know, will be reconstructed as a Netflix series.

Shun Oguri will play the lead role in this work, Han Hyo Joo will play the heroine, and Jin Akanishi will also appear. A gorgeous collaboration between actors representing Japan and Korea was realized. Oguri will play the role of the main character, Sosuke Fujiwara, the heir of a major confectionery manufacturer who suffers from hygiene issues due to past trauma, and has been appointed as the new representative of the popular chocolate shop Le Saubert. Han will play the role of Hana, a heroine who is a genius chocolatier, but due to her fear of gaze, has lived her life hiding her true identity as an “anonymous chocolatier” at Le Saubert, owned by her beloved master.

Furthermore, it has been decided that Yuri Nakamura will also be appearing. Nakamura will play the role of Irene, a psychiatrist who is Sosuke’s friend and attending physician. He is a famous psychiatrist who later provides counseling for Hana and even publishes a book, but he himself suffers from alcoholism and has trouble finding love. Akanishi will play the role of Hiroshi Takada, a friend of Sosuke’s since his student days and the owner of the bar he frequents, Blush. Hiroshi was close friends with Hana’s master, the former owner of Le Sauber, and is the person Hana secretly has feelings for…

The director is Sho Tsukikawa, who directed last year’s mega-hit Netflix series “Yu Yu Hakusho” and has brought out numerous love stories to the world. Furthermore, the visual design of the worldview of this work, including the chocolate shop “Le Saubert”, which can be said to be another main character, and the set, location, and costumes was inspired by the Academy Award-winning film “Parasite”. Lee Ha-joon of “Family” will be in charge of editing, Yang Jin-mo, who also worked on “Parasite”, will be in charge of the music, and Dalparan, a veteran music director who has won numerous music awards in Korea, will be in charge of the music. Finally, this work will be produced by YONG FILM, which planned and produced Netflix films such as “Poison War”, “Lo Gi Wan”, and “You of the 20th Century”. YONG FILM is a Korean production company that presents highly complete works with outstanding planning ability regardless of genre, and this work will be their first work in Japan.

This work, produced by Asia’s best cast and staff who are active in Japan, Korea, and globally, is progressing smoothly with filming in various parts of Japan, and will be distributed exclusively worldwide on Netflix in 2025.

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