The musical “Planetarium Twins” is based on the masterpiece novel with the same title written by Shinji Ishii who was nominated for the Yukio Mishima Prize 2004. And, it was made into a musical stage play by the spirited and contemporary producer Worry Kinoshita.

A variety of cast includes two leading stars, Takato Nagata, a young spirited actor of
Hyper Projection Engeki “Haikyu!!” and various other stages, and Nichika Akutsu who played a star role as Ryoma Echizen of the 3rd season of MUSICAL THE PRINCE OF TENNIS. Also, a talented actor Atsuhiro Sato and actors of all sorts join the play.

This work was originally scheduled for the public performance in Aichi, Tokyo and Osaka, beginning in June 2020, but was cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic. Thereafter, the actual performance was realized in February, 2021.

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