
 俳優の北村一輝さんと映画コメンテーターのLiLiCoさんが8月17日、東京都内で行われた映画「猫侍 南の島へ行く」(渡辺武監督、9月5日公開)の完成披露イベントに登場。ヒロインのお蓮を演じたLiLiCoさんは「北村一輝さんが好きすぎて、下心のみで(出演を)OKしました」と明かし、壇上で「好きです」と告白し、北村さんを照れさせた。


LiliCo confesses on stage with Kazuki Kitamura! “From deep inside, I feel that the acting…” Event to announce completion of movie “Neko Samurai 2: A Tropical Adventure”

Actor Kazuki Kitamura and movie commentator LiliCo appeared at an event to announce the completion of the movie “Neko Samurai 2: A Tropical Adventure” (directed by Takeshi Watanabe, to be premiered on September 5th) held in Tokyo on August 17th. LiliCo, who plays the main character “Oren”, revealed: “I really like Kazuki Kitamura. From deep inside, I feel that (the acting) is ok” and confessed: “I like him” and made Kitamura ashamed.

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