2021年上半期国宝級イケメンランキングNOW部門第2位にランクインしたTHE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBEの吉野北人さんの7秒チャレンジ!


【ViVi magazine Official】
#国宝級イケメン #吉野北人 #THERAMPAGE


  1. 恋愛系全然答えてくれなかった?🤨

  2. あれ?女の子のファッションおしりの形がわかるワンピースがいいって言ってなかったっけ🙄😎

  3. 一位が松村北斗か。

  4. 国宝級イケメンになるのはもう当たり前な感じがする

  5. 北人好きな人系の一面やから

  6. English Translation


    Hokuto is asked questions and he is given 7 seconds to answer each.

    0:17 Q1: How do you feel about ranking 2nd as "Nation's good-looking treasures*"?

    A: I am really happy

    0:24 Q2: Please say something to the people who voted for you!

    A: Everyone, thank you for your votes!

    0:31 Q3: What's one part you like about your face?

    A: My eyes!

    0:38 Q4: What's one side of yourself you can only show to the person/people you like?

    A: That's a secret!

    0:46 Q5: If you were to have lunch with the person you like for the first time, what would you eat?

    A: Hmm, something like yakiniku (grilled meat)?

    0:52 Q6: What's a role you would like to challenge on?

    A: Ehh what would that be? Eeeeeh!

    0:59 Q7: When was the time you were the coolest this year?

    A: Today's shooting!

    1:06 Q8: On the contrary, what about a time this year you weren't cool?

    A: There wasn't any!

    1:13 Q9: What hair color would you like to do next?

    A: Hmm, I have done a lot already~

    1:21 Q10: What clothes would you want the person you like to wear?

    A: If they look good at it everything is fine!

    1:29 Q11: What's one thing you keep in mind in order to preserve your beauty?

    A: Properly taking care of myself in my private life!**

    1:36 Q12: What kind of fashion would you like to challenge this summer?

    A: –

    1:43 Q13: Tell us your goal for the second half of the year!

    A: I'll do my best!

    1:49 Q14: Strike us a cool pose for the ending!

    *I believe there is no official translation for this."国宝級イケメン" is a poll ranking good-looking Japanese men run by ViVi, a Japanese fashion magazine mainly targeted towards women. Hokuto ranked 2nd in the poll for the first half of 2021.

    **I chose a more open translation to this. He actually said "私生活をちゃんとすること!", "私生活" is "private life", "する" is "to do" and "ちゃんと" means doing something properly, seriously, diligently. I believe he means that he does not neglect his private life.

    I don't have much experience with translating so if anyone has any other suggestions to make please feel free to correct me!

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