
 俳優の三上博史さんが1月19日、東京都内で行われた主演ドラマ「連続ドラマW  贖罪の奏鳴曲(ソナタ)」(WOWOW)の完成披露試写会に登場。試写会には、ドラマのメガホンを取った青山真治監督と共演者のとよた真帆さんも出席した。


Actor Hiroshi Mikami appeared at the preview event for the completion of the drama “Drama Series W Shokuzai no Sonata” (WOWOW), in which he plays the leading role, held in Tokyo on January 19th. Director Shinji Aoyama who was well-known for the drama and co-cast member Maho Toyota also attended the event.

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