Hiro Mizushima 水嶋ヒロ Birth to Present
Music: The World’s Greatest by R Kelly


  1. He's been growing very professional throughout his acting years.
    His best look was in Meichan no shitsuji. I love the drama, and esp. him in it.
    He makes the drama more worth-watching after all.

  2. KAKKOI~ when he was a kid, you wont even know that that was him but he was in his teens…100% hotness…and he still is:)

  3. Wow he's got such a range of roles and characters despite his age.. that's great! I had no idea he was in so much stuff!

  4. Ahahahaha, look at his rosy, rosy cheeks!! 😀 He's adowwable!! d(@*w*@)b

  5. omg, i think he has plastic surgery before i watched this video, now i found that he is true beauty, from the day he born…

  6. I really like him in mei chan no shitsuji…he's perfect as a butler…tq so much for sharing this vid…can't wait for kuroshitsuji

  7. Guess he does have western blood from those childhood picts. His big sister look like caucasian girl. No wonder he has that outstanding look. Those big clear eyes. His 22 y.o look really similar to jbj 22 y.o looks. Same charming smile. Only different hair style & color….

  8. めっちゃ水嶋ヒロだー💕

  9. Hiro Looks completely different from his Birth till he aged 10 i think to his adolesence Stage in this Video, I mean in his young age He Really Looks Japanese and He got Small Eyes and White Skin but in his Adolesence Stage from the Last He Became Brown with Big Eyes now im Getting Confused but still I Love his Bachelor Looks Until now, Sinced i watched his Black Butler Movie i was really hooked by him and started liking him much since then i also adore his Daddy Figure in his IG😊 while Ayaka doesn't post any Pics of her Fam in her IG

  10. 水嶋ヒロの演技を過去作でしか見れないの悲しいな。

  11. こんなに沢山の作品、頑張ったんだなぁと思いました。身体能力も良い!もっと色々出て欲しいです💦🌸🌸

  12. ごくせん出てたの!?


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