

 「Honganji」は、信長と顕如(けんにょ)の戦いを描いた戦国人間ドラマ。舞台「逆転裁判2」や「サクラ大戦奏組 薫風のセレナーデ」などの斎藤栄作さんが脚本を手がけた斬新で奇抜なストーリーで、演出にはプロジェクションマッピングなど最新鋭の映像技術を取り入れている。20~24日に新歌舞伎座(大阪市天王寺区)で上演され、その後、中日劇場(名古屋市中区)EX THEATER ROPPONGI(東京都港区)でも上演される。

“Takanori Jinnai: “”The role this time is nobutaga cool””. Kazumi Morohoshi and Natsuki Mizu talk enthusiastically. Press conference on stage of “”Honganji””

A press conference on the public training for the play “”Hongaji”” was held at Saitama on January 13th, with the participation of actor Takanori Jinnai, Kazumi Morohoshi – former member of the musical group “”Hikaru Genji””, play actor Kabuki Kudanji Ichikawa, actress Natsuki Mizu, Kwangsoo of group Supernova, Se-young of group “”MYNAME”” and Worry kinoshita – representative of the troupe “”Sunday””- who are in charge of the performance.

Honganji is a drama about people before the war and depicts the war of nobutaga and kennyo.”

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