This film was made in 1990 during the 20th anniversary of the JAC (Japan Action Club). Directed by Sonny Chiba, and with Musical Direction by Hiroyuki Sanada, it retells the story of the Sankebetsu Bear Incident that occurred in Sankebetsu, Tomamae Town, Hokkaido in December 1915 .

Thank you to all involved in the making of this film, I have enjoyed it, and shared it with many friends, who have all found it very entertaining. Thank you to the writers, directors, cast and crew as well as Mr. Sanada for his acting and musical direction.
Eiji: Hiroyuki Sanada
Yuki: Mika Muramatsu
Sub (Matagi): Akira Kurosaki
Jiro (Matagi): Takeshi Maya
Gohei (Matagi): Satoshi Kurihara
Asakichi (Yuki’s father): Isao Natsuyagi
Kiyo (Eiji’s mother): Yoko Minamida
Mitsu (Kasuke’s daughter): Miki Morita
Matsu (Yuki’s mother): Etsuko Nami
Yae (wife of a general store owner): Tomoko Takabe
Tokio Seki
Koji Miemachi
Gozo Soma
Tadashi Takatsuki
Ken Mita
Haruki Shiro
Isao Murata


  1. Woah ça doit être super ce film mais en VO suis fatiguée des sous-titrages. belle vidéo et surtout belle musique de fond 👉💙💙💙

  2. この事件は、あまり知らなかったのと、私の住んでいる香川県は、山奥に猪、猿、鹿がいて、多分、月輪熊(つきのわぐま)もいるのですけど、街まで降りて来た動物は、猿しか見た事が無くて(一度だけです)、映画を観に行くきっかけを作れませんでした。

  3. リアルさを求めたのだと思うけど、正直JACらしくない映画だった幻想的なアクションだけど華やかなJAC映画が見たかった

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