



Gaku Hamada pushs Kawaei Rina against the wall (Kabedon) and gently grabs her chin, raising her face (Agokei); and the ending of new-year CM Santaro.

CM “Let’s laugh” in the famous CM Santaro of Au was aired on 1st January. With the theme “Let’s laugh”, the new CM contains various scenes when Santarou family happily laughs together.

Funny scenes continously appear in the CM, for example: everyone is amused by watching blindfolded Tarou Momo playing Fukuwarai (Fukuwarai is traditional game in which player has to put facial parts onto a blank face), Santarou family laughs hard when seeing Onichan is struck by lightning, and when Tarou Urashima brings newly caught fish to the youngest princess (by Nanao) who is sighing boringly.
The ending scene is when the whole family gathers on the porch, under the tree looking at Banphone screen and takes “selfie”.

This is the first time the whole Santaro family has ever appeared in the same CM.

The theme song in the CM is performed by the rock band “Yonige”.


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