

  1. After watching the anime series (both seasons), I watched this live-action movie expecting to hate it… But instead, I ended up really enjoying it. In fact, I actually ended up liking it more than the anime series.

    The first half of the movie wasn't that good (since it just recaps some of the first season, and looks weird doing it in live-action), but in the second half of the movie, it becomes a strange yet suspenseful story that's wholly original to the movie, which came as a real surprise to me, and made it a great watch.

  2. Would love to watch it with English subs but it seems it won't come out in any other cinemas other than Japanese ones. And so it did…

  3. 原作と違いすぎてもはや草生えるまである。てかそれ抜きでもひどかったと思う。

  4. タイトルを変えて、新作として出すべきだったら良かったのに

  5. 真の実写化はこれだ

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