「孤独のグルメ」原作者の久住昌之と土山しげる氏の作画による『漫画版 野武士のグルメ』がついに実写化!Netflixオリジナルドラマとして日本の“食”を世界にお届けします。ドラマ版「孤独のグルメ」のスタッフが再集結した『野武士のグルメ』3月17日よりNetflixで独占配信!


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  1. Kenpachi's new part-time job as a narrator ever since Bleach anime stopped.

  2. I want more seasons of this. enjoyed it and its really heartwarming. i kinda want my retirement to be like this and dinner through culinary arts of japan. priceless how he enjoys himself in the series 🙂

  3. This show is so good. Especially if you are an adventure and food loved and have been to Tokyo you can relate so much..

  4. I already finished all… But I want more.. it was so satisfying to watch. Stress reliever.💕

  5. I really love this show because since I'm currently learning how to cook, there's just so much to like about it. I love how the food is just lovingly filmed shot for shot and I love the look of contentment on Takeshi's face as he's enjoying the food. Totally worth watching!

  6. Can someone show me the Comic which Samurai Gourmet is based on? I can't find it
    It always shows me The Gourmet by Jiro Taniguchi, this is similar but by Jiro Taniguchi

  7. Having finished watching the series… definitely the best worth enjoying! FoodxLife – marvellous! 😋🍖🍴🤺

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