
Directed & Organized by Fearless Inc.
Directed & Edit : Daisuke Yamaguchi

Now Available on Music Streaming Services.

ヘヴィロックにラップやダンス、ヒューマンビートボックスまで融合させたNewミクスチャースタイルで多彩な楽曲、目まぐるしく変わるフォーメーションダンスが魅力 。

Nine member Japanese dance & rap rock “Mixture” boy band.
Going by the name “Spadra”.
The music style is a fusion of several genres, from Hard Rock, Rap, Dance to Beatboxing, and their dazzling formation dance to go with it is astonishing.

■OFFICIAL SITE⇒http://super-dragon.jp/
■OFFICIAL APP⇒https://app.super-dragon.jp/
■OFFICIAL Twitter⇒http://twitter.com/Supdra_staff
■OFFICIAL Instagram⇒https://www.instagram.com/superdragon/
■OFFICIAL TikTok⇒https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJRko79d/
■OFFICIAL LINE⇒https://lin.ee/aBlHKAD
■OFFICIAL BLOG⇒http://lineblog.me/superdragon/


  1. Que me enamore dice 👁👄👁♥️se ve que son talentosos me gustaría saber un poco más sobre ellos y el jpop será que puede el jpop crecer como el kpop omg.

  2. ↓↓↓SUPER★DRAGON – English Lyrics↓↓↓

    Just SUPER★DRAGON rises on…
    We will change this era, Let’s get it on…

    In this life we keep running

    We’ll never stop the Super vibes

    Just dive, dive, dive, dive to the new world

    Let’s get it started

    Go out and shake up the world

    Just live, live, live, live to the new world

    The curtain rises to reveal a new era

    What you’ve been wanting, a super brand new style

    Everybody, it’s showtime!

    Let the darkness fall away as we bask in the light

    You can’t turn a blind eye to this

    Together let’s drive… Drive…

    Racing to the goal, heading to the top

    Getting stronger and stronger, the dragons rise

    We’re closing in on stardom

    From the resonant sound comes the rhythm and flow

    Let’s open the door

    Just SUPER★DRAGON rises on…

    We will change this era, Let’s get it on…

    In this life we keep running

    We’ll never stop the Super vibes

    We’re gonna crush that black box, let’s go

    We have to go higher, higher, higher, and higher

    SUPER★DRAGON rises on…

    This is our era

    Just dive, dive, dive, dive to the new world

    We’ll be free with no restraints

    Just live, live, live, live to the new world

    Come to us with your genuine self and walk with us on this path

    The bassline from the stage grows to a fever pitch

    This is what we were put on this earth to do

    Anybody, don’t stop and go!

    How we feel is proof this is right

    You can’t act as if you didn’t hear it

    Together let’s drive… Drive…

    Racing to the goal, heading to the top

    Getting stronger and stronger, the dragons rise

    Come to the world of our wildest dreams

    We will lead you there

    From the resonant sound comes the rhythm and flow

    Let’s go one more time!

    Just SUPER★DRAGON rises on…

    We will change this era, Let’s get it on…

    In this life we keep running

    We’ll never stop the Super vibes

    We’re gonna crush that black box, let’s go

    We have to go higher, higher, higher, and higher

    SUPER★DRAGON rises on…

    This is our era

    We gotta go…

    No one can stop what is inevitable to come

    We gotta go…

    From the resonant sound comes the rhythm and flow

    Let’s open the door

    Just SUPER★DRAGON rises on…

    We will change this era, Let’s get it on…

    In this life we keep running

    We’ll never stop the Super vibes

    We’re gonna crush that black box, let’s go

    We have to go higher, higher, higher, and higher

    SUPER★DRAGON rises on…

    This is our era

    More translations and lyrics can be found on our twitter @ninedragons_net ! We have a website full of translations as well so check it out by accessing our twitter ^_^

  3. マジで曲がかっこいい~!それでいてメンバーみんなかっこいいから更に推せる!

  4. グループごと色々ある中で、9人のまま突き進んでる事がまず凄いことだし、その上全てがレベルアップしてこんなにかっこよくなって、、

  5. 当たり前の事かもしれないけど裏ではあんなにしんどそうに水飲んだり酸素吸ったりしてるのに

  6. まだまだスパドラ初心者な私ですが、スパドラにしか出せない力をとても感じています。今ではスパドラのことを知れて、好きになれて本当に幸せだなと思っています。1年以上ぶりの有観客LIVEが決まり、この曲に込められたSUPER★DRAGON全員の思いがファンの皆さんに届くことを願っております。SUPER★DRAGONが大好きです。

  7. This video is on repeat, and i'm still crying when i saw the backstage scene. What an amazing team, THANK YOU, U GUYS JUST MADE MY YEARS, GOOD JOB BOYS ♥♥♥♥🔥

  8. いつでも上見てブレないとこがほんとに好き、受験生の1年間見てなくて最近youtubeとか見れるようになったんやけど、歌とダンスの成長に驚きっぱなし(勿論ビジュも

  9. 颯リップシンク慣れてないとこめちゃ可愛いんだが、、

  10. ESTOS CHICOS SON TAN ADMIRABLES, se merecen todo lo bueno mis amores, son los mejores, siempre serán mi favorito y único grupo, ustedes me han ayudado muchísimo, gracias por enseñarme a nunca rendirme y seguir adelante, todo el esfuerzo que hacen en sus MV's, en sus canciones y en sus conciertos es tan admirable, aprecio mucho su trabajo, SON LOS MEJORES, SÉ QUE SU TALENTO SERÁ RECONOCIDO A NIVEL MUNDIAL PORQUE USTEDES SE LO MERECEN MIS CHICOS, TODOS USTEDES SON MUY TALENTOS
    Reo THE BEST 💙
    Tsuyoshi THE BEST 💙
    Jean THE BEST 💙
    Hayate THE BEST 💙
    Sougo THE BEST 💙
    Koki THE BEST 💙
    Hyoma THE BEST 💙
    Tomoya THE BEST 💙
    Raku THE BEST 💙

  11. 4:16

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